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Localisation : LFFC
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Date d'inscription : 26/09/2020

DCS Mod A-4E-C Empty DCS Mod A-4E-C

Lun 31 Mai - 10:07
une nouvelle version du A-4E-C est dispo !


Version 2.0.0-beta-5 - 29 May 2021
You must delete and rebind all your keys if NOT updating from beta-4
See readme for instructions.

Manual Carrier Landing (MCL/ICLS) system and its bit test

TACAN for moving objects (tankers and ships) and portable TACAN stations

Note for TACAN and MCL (ICLS): The method used relies on the mission file. This means for a TACAN or MCL to be detected the unit (or unit with the same unit name) must exist in the mission file. Replacement objects can be spawned in to replace dead units, however: they must have a name which contains the original name to be correctly found by the TACAN and MCL system. This method should work 99% of the time with regular missions. However, if you run into trouble it is worth checking the following conditions:

Unit with TACAN/MCL exists in the mission file (placed in editor)
Equivalent unit with a name which contains the original name of the unit placed in the editor
Unit does not share a channel regardless of X or Y band
Quick Start Missions:

Adverse weather carrier landing
Carrier landing
Bomb trucking
Aerial Refueling
3d Model:

Added MCL Panel
Added Misc Switches Panel
Implemented AFCS Test panel switches

Individualised Pilot appearances
Damage textures
Cockpit normal maps
Retouched cockpit interior
Countermeasures dispensers

Wing stress
External engine sounds
Wind rushing sound
Air data computer AXC-666 for AN/ASN-41 and CP-741/A, no external functionality but lays some ground work for more realistic simulation

AN/ASN-41 Integrator:

Now integrates from starting position functioning correctly
Integration happens in D1 and D2 only, set to D1 or D2 to have the correct position. Switching to STBY will pause the integration
APN-153 radar is vital to preventing drift
Minor errors are introduced for sensors producing drift over time
Normal drift is about 2 - 3 nautical miles per hour
Drift will increase with lots of maneouvers

Startup checklist
Taxi checklist
Takeoff checklist
Emergency procedures
Bomb table and CP-741/A procedure
Case III landing and APC procedure
AFCS test (WIP: indicators do not function correctly at the moment)

Basic wing overstress

Misc keybinds

Controls Indicator

APC Version 2 for EFM

Fuel System:

New bypass switch will bypass the wing tank in case of wing leak.
Flight refuel switch will no longer bypass wing tank, this enables/disables external tank flight refueling.
Engine damage has now more dynamic effect

Beta calculated per surface rather than using the overall airframe beta. This fixes some edge of the envelope nastiness

Rudder pedal animation no longer tied to rudder

AFCS will not engage with rudder uncentred

Gunsight colour

ILS mode on TACAN has been changed to A/A and functions as such

Slats lift increased slightly

Increased wing drag onset at > 40 degrees angle of attack

Textures renamed to be standardised, to prevent all known mod conflicts

Keybinds recategorised correctly

M-81 and M-88 bomb negative pylon drag after release from MER/TER rack
Engine windmilling at low speed
Airspeed indicator uses calibrated airspeed instead of equivalent airspeed.
Fuel trans light not displaying when integral wing tank empty
Wheel animations
Mid Air refueling not completing with external tanks
Known Issues
Chocks only partially stop the aircraft (brakes are used as a placeholder)
Pilot can blackout from cat shot
Pilot can blackout from rolling too fast
ASN-41 Navigation Computer - PPOS and Destination knob keybindings do not work (the in-cockpit knobs still work perfectly fine)

Pierrot, Falken et yakumo aiment ce message

Qualification N0
Qualification N0 obtenue dans le cursus tronc commun (T-45C) de l'ESCA
Pilote de la 8e Escadre de Chasse Virtuelle
A publié suffisament de messages sur le forum pour accéder au contenu réservé aux membres de l'école et de la 8e Escadre
Localisation : Angers
Messages : 110
Date d'inscription : 30/01/2021

DCS Mod A-4E-C Empty Re: DCS Mod A-4E-C

Lun 31 Mai - 11:09
super module, mais attention a la nouvelle version, il a comme une envie de t envoyer a terre a la premiere erreur, ca peut surprendre lorsque l on a l habitude de l ancienne version

Pierrot aime ce message

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