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Pilote de la 8e Escadre de Chasse Virtuelle
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Messages : 292
Date d'inscription : 18/09/2020

Operation Herakles Empty Operation Herakles

Lun 31 Jan 2022 - 9:14
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DATE: 21 February 1974

 Blue: Greece, CJTF Blue, USA
 Red: Russia, Turkey

 Blue: RAF Akrotiri

WX: 18000KT CAVOK 20 Q1013 RMK BLU=

DATE: 21 February 1974
TIME: 06:10:00
SUNRISE: 08:52 (over bullseye)
SUNSET: 18:51 (over bullseye)

Operation Herakles

TASK: Destroy runway of Incirlik AB


WX: 18000KT CAVOK 20 Q1013 RMK BLU=

 - CVN-71 Theodore Roosevelt
   N 33 49.913 E 034 16.313 BRC 275°M TCN 74 CVN ICLS 20 ICLS

 RAF Akrotiri
   ATC: 251.7
        DME DME 116.0

 AWACS / Magic1 / Freq 251.000 / TCN:


B/E: Bullseye N 35 01.315 E 035 54.033

Targeted DMPIs: Incirlik Runway

LZs: None

 [AWACS] Unassigned BLUE (1 flt)
    Package Leader: Magic11
    21820 [AWACS] Magic1 1xE-2D
       AWACS         '1'     06:24:52 - 07:54:52     @ 17000 ft
 [CAP] PKG 96099 (4 flts)
    Package Leader: Uzi11
    21625 [AI] Uzi1-CREON 4xA-4E-C  (Intraflight: 254.000 / TCN: )
    21267 [CAP] Enfield-HERMES 4xF-5E-3  (Intraflight: 305.000 / TCN: )
    21907 [CAP] Springfield1-HERMES 4xF-5E-3  (Intraflight: 305.000 / TCN: )
    21462 [SEAD] Colt1-CHIRON 4xA-4E-C  (Intraflight: 254.000 / TCN: )

THREATS (menaces):
Air-Air: Intelligence reports that due to modernization efforts from Turkey Hight Command different kind of fighters might be encountered: F-86, F-4E, Mig-19
However, their pilots aren't trained to night interception even for the F-4E.

SA-2; SA-3; SA-6
ZSU-57-2; ZU-23

All flights will take off from RAF Akotiri at 0630 and assemble over the hold point (waypoint 1).
Then, they will proceed toward the north-east of Syprus to the push point (waypoint 2)
From the push point, all flight will proceed at low level to the IP point (waypoint 3) The waypoint is the point where the river at the south-east of SAMANDAGI meet the sea. Flying low will be of the essence as it will prevent the airbase to detect a flight and intercept you and it will protect you from SAM sites.
After passing over IP point, the flights will proceed towards Hatay airport (small AAA sites) and then the waypoint 7 and 8.
The waypoint 7 is the northest point of the lake.
The waypoint 8 is the entry point of the valley that you'll have to follow to approach the airbase without being detected.
The waypoint 9 is the way out of the valley from then, Colt1-CHIRON will engage the air defenses prioritizing the SAM sites (see recon pictures) and the his secondary objectives at discretion.
Uzi1-CREON will have to strike the runway as quickly as possible to prevent any reaction from the fighters.
Enfield-HERMES and Springfield1-HERMES will protect the strikers.
After storming the base, all flights proceed at RTB toward the exit point and then RTB via Push and Hold point.

Gentleman, fying low and timing will be of the essence.
The early departure will allow you to be on top of the target at 7h10 wich will allow you to see clearly your objectives and bring some metalic brekfast to our host.

Operation Herakles Operat10

Operation Herakles Operat16

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Killight, Matoche, Tigrou, Alien², Rabbit, Fagui et Darksmall aiment ce message

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Pilote de la 8e Escadre de Chasse Virtuelle
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Instructeur A-10C II
Localisation : Orange
Messages : 218
Date d'inscription : 09/01/2021

Operation Herakles Empty Re: Operation Herakles

Mer 2 Fév 2022 - 9:42
Très beau briefing
Pilote de la 8e Escadre de Chasse Virtuelle
A publié suffisament de messages sur le forum pour accéder au contenu réservé aux membres de l'école et de la 8e Escadre
Messages : 292
Date d'inscription : 18/09/2020

Operation Herakles Empty Re: Operation Herakles

Mer 2 Fév 2022 - 10:10
Merci ! 
Very Happy
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Pilote de la 8e Escadre de Chasse Virtuelle
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Consultant UH-1H
Localisation : LFFC
Messages : 689
Date d'inscription : 26/09/2020

Operation Herakles Empty Re: Operation Herakles

Mer 2 Fév 2022 - 10:45
me verrais bien defoncer cette jolie piste à coup de Bap 100 en M-2000 C Smile
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