DCS World - École de Simulation de Combat Aérien
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Qualification N1 - Mirage 2000C
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Qualification N2 - Mirage 2000C
Qualification N2 obtenue dans le cursus Mirage 2000C de l'ESCA
Qualification N3 - Mirage 2000C
Qualification N3 obtenue dans le cursus Mirage 2000C de l'ESCA
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Messages : 558

*** MAJ DCS Open Beta   *** Empty *** MAJ DCS Open Beta ***

Jeu 17 Nov 2022 - 18:27
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DCS World

    Debriefing. Players get no scores - fixed.
    Weapons. Kh-58 and Kh-25MP will not aim to long-wave EW radars.
    ME. Loadout menu extended to 15 hardpoints.
    MP. Users in the same server sharing the same UCID - fixed.
    DS: Liveries stored in zip files are completely missing from dedicated server install - fixed.
    DS. "Pure Scripts" option not available in webGUI - fixed.
    Fixed: Alarm State Change causes all tasks to abort.
    Fixed: Wrong position for ground units in ME (3D view).
    Fixed: Initial heading in simulation does not match the heading assigned in the editor for ground vehicles.
    Added task 'Hold' for ships.
    Fixed: Unable to create circular routes with “Go to waypoint” for ground units.
    Improvements made to Tracer Round Smoke
    Fixed: MP Scoreboard not working
    Fixed rare crash caused by using TAD MFD mostly in A-10C II (in edterrainGraphics41.dll)
    MP: Reduced number of AWACS messages. (WIP)
    AIM-120: Improved tracking of slow targets
    Fixed: AI aircraft sometimes fail to takeoff if player enters runway with no ATC clearance
    New: Multiple lines of text now possible in ME draw tools
    Fixed: AI F/A-18 will not release TALD
    New: AI task - Recovery tanker.

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics

    Added UFC/BU Page
    Fixed: AUTO Int impact error with Dive Toss.
    Fixed: Donated trackfiles on the RDR ATTK page stop showing speed and altitude info, while the radar trackfile is being built
    Fixed: Hornet Rocket CCIP Pipper Weirdness
    Fixed: HARM Page still shows threats after Jettisoning all HARM
    Fixed: Radar tracks AIM-120/SD-10

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

    Fixed:CTD with F6 view
    Fixed: FCR Sync with TGP using TMS Right
    Fixed: HMCS ACM Bore ellipse should vanish once lock gained
    Fixed: Tail numbers on the 0 and 1 LOD. unable to set in ME or in game
    Fixed: M4 IFF Scan provides accurate target range and azimuth
    Fixed: ACM-BORE HMCS Error
    Fixed: ENG CONT switch doesn't affect nozzle position
    Fixed: MK-84 CCRP fall short
    Fixed: CRM in BST mode locks target outside beam pattern
    Fixed: Incorrected behaviour after off HMD
    Fixed: Unable to boresight multiple mavericks without TGP
    Fixed: Using step or weapon release on dual maverick lock undesignated the second target
    Fixed: Steering cue does not lead perpendicular targets
    Fixed: AGM-65D Handoff does not work if the target is moving
    Fixed: Guard frequency doesn't shown on freq indicator
    Fixed: Radar priority in Mode 2 not switching on with MRM mode
    Fixed: Markpoint HUD not working if I cycle CCIP, CCRP, DTOS and back to CCRP
    Fixed: AG Radar in GMT mode azimuth change decreased scan velocity
    Fixed: Autolocking target in ACM mode from 30nm
    Fixed: LAR indication can still be seen in HUD after maverick use and switched to CCIP
    Fixed: ACM Bore JHMCS ellipse - after lost lock at radar gimbal edge incorrect display and incorrect radar behavior
    Fixed: HARM Target handed off in HAS mode gets frozen relative to missile's seeker boresight
    Fixed: HARM reacquires target handed off in HAS after it's gone off seeker's gimbals
    Fixed: Don't show up on DL without GPS
    Fixed: Lesson 13 for AGM-65 Maverick - Too short duration of text showing "Reset Run 4"
    Fixed: Radar elevation jumping around on bugged target
    Fixed: HSD shows range to jamming target
    Fixed: AIM-120 being guided by FCR when it is off
    Fixed: Air start setting HOME on CRUS page changes when set

DCS: AH-64D by Eagle Dynamics

    Total controls MPD profiles added
    Fixed: FUEL Advisory should not show in EUFD if fuel page is open
    Fixed: AH-64D paint kit - APU Exhaust warning on wrong side
    Fixed: FMC channels not synced on CPG join - MP
    Fixed: Radar Altitude Hold uses barometric altitude as reference
    Fixed: Altitude Hold will oscillate when out of ground effect.
    Fixed: CPG TRN Threat ring appearing on Pilot TSD when it should not
    Fixed: Threat ring shown in centre of TSD when TG point is set as ACQ but hidden by COORD SHOW options
    Fixed: VID page is briefly showing main format when VSEL (T6) format is enabled and VID button is pressed
    Fixed: George should select "NO WPN" after depleting another
    Fixed: CPG AI George systems desync on seat switch cold start
    Fixed: Keyboard Unit Brightness Knob stop working correctly when assigned to Axis

DCS: Supercarrier by Eagle Dynamics

    Fixed: Sometimes SC doesn't rise JBL after client spawn
    Fixed: Carrier wake too short

DCS: JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations

    Fixed: integrated configuration panel GUI not open if there’s wind
    Fixed: Cockpit capture keyboard input when integrated config panel GUI is opened
    Fixed: LS6-100/250 accuracy issue
    Fixed: unguided rocket engine not ignition bug
    Fixed: SPI switched to WPT when WMD7 point track downgraded to area track
    Fixed: some bugs when manually set SMS load
    Adjusted: try to improve WMD7 CCD image quality (still under adjustment)
    Added: campaign mission 11 and 12. Now campaign is completed

DCS Mirage F1 by Aerges

    Added YAW position to Yaw/Anti-slip switch and renamed the switch up position from ON to ANTI-SLIP in control inputs.
    Fixed missing gunsight reticle in (C + M or SW) mode with VEL (velocity vector) Optical Sight mode selected.
    TRAIN light logic corrected according to SME feedback.
    Combat flap logic completed.
    Fixed missing default Mirage F1 art picture in ME briefing window and in loading window when the module is not set as wallpaper.
    Fixed BIP Trim heading mode behaviour.

DCS AV-8B N/A by RAZBAM Simulations

    Improved: All drum style indicators animation (EDP, ACP, Hydraulic Gauge, Flaps Indicator, Standby Altimeter, Fuel Panel)
    Fixed: Speed brake not properly retracting sometimes when gear retracted
    Fixed: LHA Tarawa tag missing
    Fixed: Incorrect aircraft name in Nevada’s Cold and Dark QS Mission
    Fixed: Mission trigger error in Nevada’s A/A Gun and Sidewinder mission
    Updated: TOO button functionality. When saving the position as targetpoint, If the aircraft is not in A/G attack mode, TOO will command the aircraft into A/G mode and recall the last A/G weapon used.

DCS: MiG-19P by Razbam

    Fixed: Aircraft damage table.
    Fixed: both engines able to start at same time.
    Fixed: Auto-start getting stuck in MP.

DCS AJS-37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations

    Added new textures for inside of upper airbrakes
    Added new textures for inside and outside of lower airbrakes
    Fixed all instances of deprecated 'Color' shader causing severe visual issues
    Added correct tire animations for L/R tires respectively.
    Fixed some lighting direction issues in LoD2 meshes
    Slightly reduced drawcalls by batching together some materials for improved performance

DCS: Spitfire LF Mk. IX

    2 New Single Player Missions for Operation Jubilee

DCS: P-51D Mustang

    2 New Single Player Missions for Operation Jubilee

DCS: Bf 109 K-4 Kurfurst

    2 New Single Player Missions for Operation Jubilee

DCS: Fw 190 A-8

    3 New Single Player Missions for Operation Jubilee

DCS: Mosquito FB VI

    Texture Template now available here!

DCS: Combined Arms by Eagle Dynamics

    Fixed: Attack points clone when moved.
    Fixed: Leopard 2-family. AA MG stabilizes with the hull, not with the tower.

DCS: South Atlantic Map by Razbam


    New - Santa Cruz Airfield
    New - Comandante Luis Piedrabuena Airfield
    New - Aerodromo de Tolhuin Airfield
    New - Generated all detail maps for the full map
    New - Porvenir Airfield
    New - Almirante Schroeders Airfield
    New - Rio Turbio Airfield


    New - Updated Lighting components to support 2.8 releases new lighting system
    New - The Normal maps previously pushed are now enabled for the whole map (see know issues)
    New - Added Gause bushes across the Falklands Islands
    New - Started Detailing out the farms in the Falklands (still WIP)
    New - Replaced primary and Secondary Road surface textures across the map
    New - Added new detailing models for surfaces in a few places
    New - Various new models across the map, which include but are not limited to: New shipping container models, new gas storage tank models ….
    New - Introduced lighting variations across the map for a more realistic look
    New - Added new towns and villages around new airfields
    Improved - Converted all Lighting to 2.8 standard for all our objects
    Improved - Added lighting variations across the map for a more realistic feel with light colour variation
    Improved - Improved video memory usage which should improve performance across the map
    Improved - Adjusted taxiway lighting at Puerto Williams
    Improved - Detail maps for the low level terrain have been improved for the whole map
    Improved - Existing towns around the airfields have been tweaked for a better look
    Improved - Updated the vegetation maps for 3/4 of the map (still WIP)
    Improved - Resolved forum reported surface triangulation around the Falklands Islands
    Improved - Changed the colour of all of the tracks across the map to be more in keeping with the region
    Improved - Fleshed out Rio Gallegos refuelling terminal
    Improved - Refined the Railway line from Rio Gallegos refuelling terminal


    Fixed - Map grid misaligned according to in game coords
    Fixed - Threshold lighting at El Calafate Airfield set to correct direction.
    Added - REIL lights at El Calafate Airfield runway 25
    Added - Various new models across the map, which include but are not limited to: New shipping container models, new gas storage tank models ....


    Normal maps cause a discolouration around the Falklands Islands Cliffs areas in certain parts

DCS Campaigns

P-51D: The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney Campaign by Reflected Simulations

    Bomber formations updated
    Carpet bombing performance optimized
    Ice halo enabled
    More realistic turbulence levels

Spitfire IX The Big Show Campaign by Reflected Simulations

    Bomber formations updated
    Carpet bombing performance optimized
    Ice halo enabled
    More ambient chatter added
    Radio procedures improved - you only check in with control over the Channel
    Ingress altitudes adjusted - flight lead will stay low and climb only over the Channel.
    More realistic turbulence levels

DCS: Fw 190 A-8 Horrido! Campaign by Reflected Simulations

    Mission 10 workaround for JU88 AI crashing into ground units.
    Bomber formations updated
    More realistic turbulence levels

Bf 109 K-4 Jagdflieger Campaign by Reflected Simulations

    Bomber formations updated
    More realistic turbulence levels

DCS: P-47D Wolfpack Campaign by Reflected Simulations

    Bomber formations updated
    Ice halo enabled
    UK AAA improved
    More realistic turbulence levels

DCS: UH-1H Paradise Lost Campaign by Reflected Simulations

    Ice halo enabled
    More realistic turbulence levels

DCS: F-14A Zone 5 Campaign by Reflected Simulations

    AI skill levels adjusted to better match the new AI BFM
    Improved AI breaks
    Fixed the landing checklist in the intro mission
    More realistic turbulence levels
    Bozo calls Speed & Angels instead of Jester

DCS: F-14A Fear the Bones Campaign by Reflected Simulations

    Ice halo enabled
    Recovery tanker functionality added to mission 1
    More realistic turbulence levels

DCS: Spitfire Beware! Beware! Campaign by Reflected Simulations

    Intro mission progression fixed
    Ice halo enabled
    Increased bomber speeds to reduce AI glitches
    Carpet bombing performance optimized
    UK AAA improved
    The Bet mission - AI will now put up a fight
    More realistic turbulence levels

F-86F Hunters over the Yalu Campaign by Reflected Simulations

    Ice halo enabled
    More realistic turbulence levels

DCS: F/A-18C Operation Cerberus North Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims

    Mission 1 - Adjusted Poodle AI behaviour.
    Mission 2 - Adjusted ATC zone to fix possibility of not being handed off if player is off course.
    Mission 7 - Adjusted AI behavior to avoid rare potential for mid-air collisions.
    Mission 11 - Fixed error in scoring incorrectly deducting points for hitting TOT.

DCS: F/A-18C Serpent’s Head 2 Campaign by Badge633

    All Super Carrier versions: New Stennis model added.

DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion campaign by Badger633

    Mission 1 all versions: New Stennis model added.
    Mission 13: 420 not engaging fixed.
    Missions 3,4, 6 to 9 and 14: Launch radio call conflict avoided.

"Optimiste et pessimiste sont également nécessaires à la société, l'optimiste invente l'avion, le pessimiste invente le parachute..."

Killight, FullGas, Falken et RedFang aiment ce message

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